The Benefice of Eastleigh (in the Church of England Deanery of Eastleigh and Diocese of Winchester) is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Benefice of Eastleigh professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds, which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation.
All activities and operations of The Benefice of Eastleigh will adhere to this ethos.
As part of the Church of England (CoE) the Parish of Eastleigh is here to serve the people of our town. For centuries the CoE has offered help at times of both great celebration and tremendous sadness, as well as in the day-to-day lives we all lead.
Even though times are always changing, our faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is still the same as it has always been.
Please do get in touch with us: either in person at one of our events/services; or by phone, Facebook, and email.