Hebrews 10:24
Women’s ministry at Eastleigh Parish provides a great opportunity for women of all ages to grow as disciples of Jesus.
Just as God made us each individually, so too do we have unique, personal experience and relationship with Him. Women’s ministry is an exciting platform for women to meet with other women to grow in faith and understanding of God’s Word, and to pursue all that He has in store for you.
Featuring opportunities to hear from speakers, to study the Bible together and to enjoy fellowship with the women of the church, Women’s Ministry at Eastleigh Parish seeks to raise up and encourage Spirit-filled women whose ministry will in turn be a blessing to the whole church family, as well as your wider family and community.
Contact for more information:
Sue Fletcher –
Upcoming events:
Ladies Breakfast
6th October at All Saints Church Building
We're running a ladies' breakfast from 8:45 til' 10:45am. Come and join us for a tasty start to the day (full fry up and fruit salad) and good fellowship.
For more details, contact
Ladies Curry Night
30th November, out and about!
We're having a curry night, (location to be confirmed). Please come and join us!